Psilocybine, ayahuasca, mescaline MDMA en LSD bij Netflix

Netflix en psychedelische documentaires Op Netflix staan inmiddels een hoop documentaires/films over psychedelica en de werking ervan. Zo is er nu redelijk veel informatie te […]

Magic mushroom ceremony Netherlands

Magic mushroom ceremony and the legal status in the Netherlands Do you want to attend a magic mushroom ceremony in the Netherlands? Please be aware […]

Psilohuasca or psilocybin ceremony?

DMT, psilocybin and MAO inhibitors What is the best psychedelic ceremony for depression, addictions, anxiety or for a spiritual journey. Is ayahuasca better suited than […]

Truffle ceremony the Netherlands

Psilocybin ceremony of mushroom session? Do you want to attend a psilocybin, mushroom or magic truffle ceremony and you don’t know what to choose? Don’t […]

Consciousness and psychedelics

Psiloflora: Consciousness and psychedelics Consciousness and LSD, DMT or psilocybin Consciousness is something not easy to understand what it really is. Still, it is a […]

Psilocybine sessie

Wat is een psilocybine sessie? Psilocybine is een stof die voorkomt in paddenstoelen van de soort Psilocybe. Na het innemen van deze paddenstoelen of truffels […]

Magic truffle session

What’s a magic truffle session? A magic truffle session is a ceremony with psilocybin truffles (scelerotia of magic mushrooms) and the psilocybin causes a change […]