Psiloflora: Open psychedelic ceremonies

The locations and ceremonies

The open psychedelic ceremonies are open for everybody to join. We offer different ceremonies at different locations. Do you need more information about our locations or ceremonies?

Psilocybin | Psiloflora | Extended Psiloflora

Circle of Power | Psychedelic Loft

Private psychedelic ceremonies

In case you don’t want to join a group of “new friends” and you want to make your own group. You can book your private group ceremony on every other date than the open ceremonies.

Click here for the private group options and rates

The bookable open psychedelic ceremonies

All open psychedelic ceremonies are listed below. You can click on the date to read more about that specific ceremony.

Date Location Ceremony Max participants Price

All our open ceremonies are cancelled due to the Corona-virus outbreak. Once we’re allowed and ready to organize group ceremonies we’ll start to list new ceremonies on this page.

The original message was posted on the psiloflora webpage Open psychedelic ceremonies

Het originele bericht komt van de onderstaande link

LSD therapie: Open psychedelic ceremonies

In samenwerking met Psilocybine therapie Nederland hebben wij dit bericht geplaatst om u beter van dienst te kunnen zijn op gebied van truffel en paddo ceremonies

Open psychedelic ceremonies