Inhoudsopgave psychedelische therapie Welke soorten psychedelische therapie zijn er? Psilocybine therapie Psiloflora therapie LSD therapie MDMA therapie Welke psychedelische therapie past er bij jou? Welke […]
Psychedelic therapy and the use of LSD, Psilocybin or DMT
Psychedelic Therapy Psychedelic therapy is a form of therapy that utilizes psychedelic substances, such as LSD, psilocybin, and sometimes DMT, to help individuals with a […]
MDMA, psilocybine of LSD therapie?
Kiezen tussen MDMA, psilocybine of LSD als therapeutisch hulpmiddel Psychedelische therapie staat in 2022 enorm in de schijnwerpers. Wegens diverse documentaires en nieuwsberichten komt er […]
Psilocybine, ayahuasca, mescaline MDMA en LSD bij Netflix
Netflix en psychedelische documentaires Op Netflix staan inmiddels een hoop documentaires/films over psychedelica en de werking ervan. Zo is er nu redelijk veel informatie te […]
SSRI and psilocybin
Psiloflora: SSRI and psilocybin Combining SSRI’s with psychedelics like psilocybin Combining psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA and LSD with psychoactive medication is not recommended. In a […]
Here and now with psychedelics
Psiloflora: Here and now with psychedelics Carpe diem In every culture there are one-liners about enjoying the moment and not worrying too much about tomorrow. […]
Tripsitter Utrecht
Psiloflora: Tripsitter Utrecht Psychedelic guide in Utrecht We’ve got a very good tripsitter who lives in Utrecht. Her name is Loes and she’s very gentle […]
Hire a trip sitter last minute
Need a trip sitter? Are you going to use a strong dose of magic mushrooms, magic truffles, DMT, ayahuasca, MDMA , LSD or other hallucinogenic […]
Drugs therapy
Medicinal drugs as therapy? Drugs are often used to describe addictive street drugs. However, there are many different substances that fall under the nameof drugs. […]
Drugs als therapie
MDMA, ketamine, ayahausca, LSD en paddo’s tijdens therapie? Met name de psychedelische drugs zijn in het verleden veelvuldig gebruikt als therapeutisch hulpmiddel. Nu richten de […]